Syllabus – UKPSC, Urban Engg/Assistant Engg Screening Test

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC)
(Jobiya ID: ON-23082013-03)
Syllabus for Urban Engineering/Assistant Engineering Screening Test, Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) now brings the full Syllabus for Urban Engineering/Assistant Engineering Screening Test, to be conduct by Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC).

(Objective Type)
Time: 2 hours
Number of Questions: 100
Maximum Marks: 100

PART-A (Number of Questions: 25) (Marks : 25)
1. Theory of Structures
2. Steel Design
3. R.C. Design

PART-B (Number of Questions: 25) (Marks : 25)
- Sub-Part: a & b (Number of Questions: 10) (Marks: 10)
1. Fluid Mechanics
2. Hydraulic Engineering
- Sub-Part: c (Number of Questions: 15) (Marks: 15)
3. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

PART-C (Number of Questions: 25) (Marks: 25)
1. Building construction
2. Railways and Highways Engineering

PART-D (Number of Questions: 25) (Marks: 25)
- Sub-Part: a, b & c (Number of Questions: 10) (Marks : 10)
1. Water Resources Engineering
2. Water Requirements for crops
3. Distribution system for canal irrigation
- Sub-Part: d, e & f (Number of Questions: 15) (Marks : 15)
4. Sanitation and Water Supply
5. Environmental Engineering
6. Typical features of Sewerage systems

Syllabus – Uttarakhand PSC, Urban Engineering/Assistant Engineering Screening Test

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hello sir, if u have syllabus for indian coast guard for yanthrik,,,, please send it to my mail is:

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