Walk-in Interview, NIRT Chennai, Project Jobs Feb 2014

National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT)
Sathiyamoorthy Road, Chetput, Chennai-600031
(Jobiya ID: GJ-10022014-08Y)

National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT) will hold the Walk-in Interview for filling up the following posts which are to be filled up purely on temporary basis under various Non Institutional ad-hoc projects at this Institute. Further information regarding recruitment has been given below...
National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT), Project Jobs

Name of the Project: “Multi-centric cohort study of recurrence of Tuberculosis among newly diagnosed sputum positive pulmonary Tuberculosis patients treated under RNTCP”.
1. Technician C (Field Worker ) [3 posts]
(Date of Interview - 01.03.2014)

2. Technician B (Lab Assistant) [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 07.03.2014)

3. Technician B (Data Entry Operator) [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 08.03.2014)

4. Accounts Assistant [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 28.02.2014)

Name of the Project: “C-Triumph: Cohort for TB Research by the Indo-US Medical partnership under DBT
1. Staff Nurse [2 posts]
(Date of Interview - 26.02.2014)

2. Technical Assistant (Medical Social Work) [2 posts]
(Date of Interview - 03.03.2014)

3. Technician C (Data Entry Operator Grade B) [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 08.03.2014)

4. Lower Division Clerk (Admin) [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 11.03.2014

Name of the Project: “Model Dots Project
1. Technician C (Field Worker) [4 posts]
(Date of Interview - 01.03.2014)

2. Technician C (Lab) [4 posts]
(Date of Interview - 14.03.2014)

3. Technician B (Data Entry Operator Grade A) [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 08.03.2014)

4. Technical Assistant (SW) [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 12.03.2014)

Name of the Project: “Performance of Light Emitting Diode microscope in different settings for TB diagnosis; a multicentric Study
1. Technical Assistant (Lab) [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 17.03.2014)

Name of the Project: “Effects of Diabetes on Tuberculosis Severity
1. Technical Assistant (Lab) [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 17.03.2014)

2. Data Entry Operator Grade B [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 08.03.2014)

3. Laboratory Attendant (Multi Task - Technical) [1 post]
(Date of Interview - 15.03.2014)

Application Fee: Rs. 100/- drawn in favor of Director, NIRT, Chennai (only by DD from any Nationalized banks). SC/ST/PH are exempted from payment of fees.

Schedule of Walk-in Interviews
Date - as shown above
Timings - From 09:00 am onwards
Venue - National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, No.1, Sathiyamoorthy Road, Chetput, Chennai-600031 (TN)

Please follow these links to apply or further information.

NIRT Chennai, Project Jobs Notification 2014

Get Your Application Form for NIRT Chennai, Project Job Vacancies

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